What is NET?
Emotions such as fear, anger, grief and many others can negatively affect us long after the original event that caused them. When our body fails to ‘let go’ of these emotions we can find ourselves with unexplained aversions, self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive beliefs, phobias and many chronic physical problems.
We use an approach called Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to identify, and help you let go of ‘stuck’ emotional patterns. If we are in a weakened state due to poor nutrition, stress of physical trauma, everyday emotions may not resolve naturally. Later in our lives when we experience a similar situation, the old emotional response kicks in, our bodies have muscle/neurological memory.
We rarely see the link between the past event and our present situation. NET can help identify the unresolved real (or imagined) event and help your body release its lingering emotional charge for good, allowing true release of the memory from your body. For good! People used to think emotions resided entirely in their brain, now we know other parts of the body can hold emotions too. Ever felt butterflies in your stomach before a speech, referred to something as a ‘pain in the neck’ or felt a ‘lump in your throat’? Clearly, emotions happen throughout our body, not just our brain! Using Neuro Emotional Technique, we find these stuck, negatively charged emotions stored in your body and help you release them.
The benefits of Neuro Emotional Technique is its fast and fun while dramatically improving your health NET is a safe, effective and natural way to instantly resolve long-standing health problems that have an emotional component.